Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mom, what does the ocean taste like?

My kids had their first ocean swimming experience in Vancouver this summer. It was a gorgeous hot summer day and the water was perfect. They explored and paddled until they finally leapt in and started swimming. Their reactions are too funny!!

Can we swim?
Paddle harder!!
Cool seaweed!!!
Can we eat it?
Getting deeper...
Holding her breath and keeping the water OUT!!


  1. Tastes like life.

  2. Every time I access your page it says: "To view this page, you must log in to this area on" Don't know what it means, but it sure is a pain!

  3. Anonymous...I am sorry to hear that. I will try to figure that out. My Twitter account and my Blog are connected, but that "shouldn't" affect anyone but me. I will work to remedy this situation as soon as possible.
