orange cones and high viz vests
fluorescent signs
all point the way to Progress
pulling my focus from
Autumn dressed trees in
newly oranged garments
water falling over manmade mountains
keeps pace with urban giraffes
craning loads higher - and still higher -
blocking my vision of
Autumn dressed hillsides in
vivid golds and greens
The "weapons of mass destruction"
were never found. Or so they tell us.
But, how can we be so blind?
They surround every moment of our
threatening quietude,
and peace of mind.
reformed earth in ugly concrete
water displaced from its rightful path
Shovels on steroids - in an endless
search to find treasure in the centre of the earth -
spoon out the eyes of the helm keepers
as they build for the next
Generation Alpha Centauri.
Archeologists from a parallel universe
will bear the only witness
to undiscovered organisms as they
teach this pristine example.
The epitome of what not, to do.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mom, what does the ocean taste like?
My kids had their first ocean swimming experience in Vancouver this summer. It was a gorgeous hot summer day and the water was perfect. They explored and paddled until they finally leapt in and started swimming. Their reactions are too funny!!
Can we swim? |
Paddle harder!! |
Cool seaweed!!! |
Can we eat it? |
Getting deeper... |
Holding her breath and keeping the water OUT!! |
Salty!!!! |
my kids,
My photography,
Where The Wild Things Are
Monday, August 2, 2010

If your game was to steal my voice, you win.
Words flew like great winged bats
From the cavernous recesses of my soul
Out the gaping open mouth of my empty head
Into the approaching darkness.
Flying for an eternity.
If your game was to collect me, I lose.
I gifted myself like a spoiled toddler's Christmas parcel
Wrapped in shiny paper and ribbons.
Cooed over briefly, then torn to shreds,
And left in a heap on the floor.
The toy, too, abandoned for another.
Each thickens the scars that are becoming my new skin.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A quiet moment with my camera
This flower reminded me of Dr. Seuss

Another hydrangea

The view from one side of Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, BC
Another hydrangea
The view from one side of Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, BC
Monday, June 14, 2010
when she's gone
the Sunshine, fiery hot - close enough to burn despite its distance -
anchors the beautiful blue-green globe
as it dances and spins and celebrates its
own true and wonderful life
while Moonlight, cool - distant and mysterious in it closeness -
reflecting the Sunshine’s own true light
circles the fragile sphere as it shakes and floods
fearing it might break apart at any moment
carving an eternal path
in the unbreakable embrace
wedded for all eternity
basking in the light and love and warmth
of Sunshine
look only to Moonlight as a reminder of
the warmth Sunshine brings
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Everyday is Earth Day...
...isn't it?
Except, that yesterday at midnight my cell phone plan ended. And, today, on Earth Day, I am faced with my decision to move into iPhone land. I am very excited about this new adventure, but can't help feeling karma guilt that I am doing something so completely un-environmentally friendly on this day.
I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all who see this - whether it is April 22 OR NOT - to please do something wonderful for our Earth Mother. These are things we do at home.
* (we don't always do this one - but we should) put a bin in your kitchen sink and collect all the water you would normally run down the drain when rinsing dishes, etc... and water your garden with it (make certain you have biodegradable, phosphate free soap)
* stop using petroleum based cleaning products and explore products like Seventh Generation
* set out a barrel to collect rain water for your garden watering
* turn off your shower when soaping up and shaving, and keep your showers short
* (not always possible to do 100%, especially in Winter, but we do our best) eat locally - but check your sources, sometimes the "local" food has been shipped thousands of miles to be processed (meat in particular)
* whenever possible ride a bike, walk, take public transport and carpool to help cut down emissions.
* pick up garbage you see lying around
* take your own bags when you go shopping
* recycle EVERYTHING. (for example, the paper labels on the cans are recyclable, the cans are recyclable, the food you don't use is compostable - NO WASTE - our family of 5, for years has only put out 1/2 a small garbage bag a week thanks to composting and recycling)
OK. If I continue to do this and more, and if you will help me, then maybe I can ease some of my karma guilt and be able to enjoy my new phone.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Control Alt Delete
If only I had the codes to write the virus
that would wipe out the hard drive
re-boot the system
clean the files
remove unused programs
and filter the spyware
Create a space of harmony
space to breathe
with ease
a place of loving compassion
Where communication moves unhalted
and everyone speaks without fear
of judgement
of reprisals
of being jeopardized
If only I could quiet the voices of my hurting head
and speak the songs of my heart
To learn to share generously
and to be grateful for what I have
To stop longing for what can never be
and live in blissful gratitude
I am surrounded by many gifts
I am surrounded in love
I am blessed beyond measure
I am blessed in love
I have joy to share
I will share love
But, complicated.
Control Alt Delete
that would wipe out the hard drive
re-boot the system
clean the files
remove unused programs
and filter the spyware
Create a space of harmony
space to breathe
with ease
a place of loving compassion
Where communication moves unhalted
and everyone speaks without fear
of judgement
of reprisals
of being jeopardized
If only I could quiet the voices of my hurting head
and speak the songs of my heart
To learn to share generously
and to be grateful for what I have
To stop longing for what can never be
and live in blissful gratitude
I am surrounded by many gifts
I am surrounded in love
I am blessed beyond measure
I am blessed in love
I have joy to share
I will share love
But, complicated.
Control Alt Delete
Monday, April 19, 2010

(photo credit
shrouded in mystery
beauty lies buried in uncertainty
the outcome unclear or unknown
does colour and joy reign there
under all the grey which threatens
to swallow us whole
Monday, April 12, 2010
5 seconds of silence
They just passed, and it was wonderful.
I sometimes forget what life without noise is like.
Somewhere in the recent events of the day I remembered that I have not done any writing at all for a really long time. And so I am writing. Whatever is on my mind - just like I tell my students at school.
To begin, I went to see my Dr. again today and this time confirmed that I would not be going back to teaching for the rest of this school year. I am struggling physically and emotionally after a car accident that happened on Feb 6th. I walked away from the crash, and did not think I was hurt at all. However, I was in a little bit of shock, and by 9:30 that evening, I started to feel a lot of stiffness in my neck and a very sore right wrist. Much later I noticed a lot of pain in my hips, and all these things combined have ganged up on me. I am weak. I am ridiculously frustrated. I have attempted to go back to work 2 times and failed both times. So now, I am entering a rehabilitation program to heal my body, as well as my mind and spirit. I am not the kind of person who stops for myself. My job and my family have always come first, and sadly, in that order. I have not had - or made - any time for friends. And now, the Universe is giving me a golden opportunity to be self-focused. I am going to relish the opportunity.
The 5 seconds of silence are such a gift - and now that silence is extending into minutes as the kids have left the house to go biking. I am surrounded in noise in everything I do. Positive, creative, NOISE! I realize that there is a lot of noise in my head. So even when there is not a lot of activity around me the chaos of coping with the day and preparing for the next one rages around in my head. This is the first time that I can remember not having to actually worry about preparing for anything - except maybe the next meal and making sure the kids are on time for soccer. But relatively speaking, that is a pretty small order.
I am breathing. I am listening to the thoughts order themselves and quiet themselves inside of me. I look forward to yoga, and meditation around the physio therapy and massage and chiropractic visits. I look forward to reading in the sun and walking in the trees (when I can walk without pain - and I WILL do that).
I have written. I will write. I have slowed to think and create. I will continue to focus on those things. I will sing. I will make music. I
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Love is the new religion
Are YOU a member of this conscious army?
Love and radiant blessings to you all.
Love and radiant blessings to you all.
Saturday, February 27, 2010

i want to crawl into the soft, dark place
in your mouth
and hide
i want you to swallow me like the Beast
on "Where The Wild Things Are" swallowed the boy
for his own good
i want to be massaged into a ball
of masticated tendons and of flesh
lubricated...ready to be swallowed.
and, when you can roll me around your tongue
like that, what will you choose to do with me?
or, spit?
My poetry,
Where The Wild Things Are
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Everything Hurts
You mourn the loss of an impossible opportunity
and I fear that you will not see me with the same eyes.
You mourn because my body is forever altered
and I wonder if you will ever touch me in the same way.
You mourn the essence of my power taken from me
and I worry that you will never forgive my decision.
But, I did this for us.
Whether you believe this or not.
For us to always be
Connected without fear.
And now, I am sore afraid.
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