Dreams that were strung like pearls on silk
Now roll across the floor, hiding in corners with dust mites
Waiting for the cover of darkness to come and eat my dead flesh.
Echoes of breathless laughter haunt the uncreated memories
Which dwell in the parallel universe of my sleeping hours
And you stand there asking me to smile.
You should have waited one more moment
And given me time to put on my mask.
The mask of courage and love I wear for you.
I need not wear it for him, for he can see
With only one eye, into the deepest reaches of my heart.
He knows the fears and sorrows better than all of us.
I see you looking sorry for me. I hear you telling me how brave I am.
You are asses, and know nothing of fear or courage.
Everyday he fights the battles of his memories
Everyday he fights the battles of whispered conversations as he passes
The none so subtle stares of strangers trying to imagine what created this beast.
And the face that looks back at him in the mirror.
I will smile. But not for you. Not today.
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