sitting curled in each others arms
listening to the lazy lapping
of the cool obsidian water
as it caresses the stony shore
we watch the moon rise
under the spell of its rippling invitation
we speak our dreams aloud
breathing in the precious minutes
as we creep closer to goodbye
not knowing when we might touch again
we laugh about walking across the silvery path
that leads us from here...to where
and quickly abandon that fruitless vision
which lays waste to hope and joy
and turn, instead, to the beauty in our lives
and all the while I know
I cannot share this moon with you
in all its incredible glory
for my heart is bound to another love
and this is our moon - his and mine
but I cannot bear the hurt in telling you
you have another place in my heart
for always you will be my friend
and I am eternally grateful
for what you awoke in my life
and I cherish each moment we get together