Doctor, Doctor, Doctor WHO?
You don't know?
Well here's a clue.
He taught you all your A B C's.
To dot your i's,
and cross your t's.
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor WHO?
You just don't know?
Well don't feel blue!
He taught you how to read in rhyme.
I'll bet he even taught you time!
Do YOU know the name I seek?
Well think and think
While up a creek!
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor WHO?
You still don't know?
Here's one more clue.
He sketched his sketch
And made you laugh,
While sliding backwards
On his giraffe!
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor WHO?
Not that rolly, polly Winnie The Pooh!
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor WHO?
Not that crafty, daftly Mr. Magoo!
A cat in a hat may set you straight
If you pit and pat and rat-a-tat-tat
While you roller-skate!
There's a Doctor,
There's a Doctor,
On Mulberry Street!
With a beak and feathers
And two webbed feet!
Now eggs and ham are fit for a Queen
Especially if they're the colour GREEN!
Now the WHO's of WHOVILLE
No, they didn't flinch.
They kept up the cheer
And made a saint of the GRINCH!
Doctor, Doctor in the house.
Oh Doctor, can you help this mouse?
Yes! YES!
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor SEUSS!!
That silly, silly, silly goose!
Oh Doctor, Doctor, Doctor Seuss,
There's a Doctor, Doctor, on the loose!
Thank you. Thank you! Doctor Seuss!!
You're one silly, silly, SILLY goose!
~copyright 1991, Michael O'Brien
My dear husband wrote this lovely Ode to Dr. Suess, and I find it fitting to post today.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
"The more that you read,
ReplyDeleteThe more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go."
-Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut (1976)