Saturday, May 16, 2009

corporate responsibility "In My World"

Jeff Topham calls this photo "corporate responsibility" and when viewed in context with the other shots in this set, the irony of this shot is incredible. I encourage you to visit Jeff's website and browse his amazing photos.

I had a very different response to this shot and this is what came of my feelings...

In my world
I preach the evils of the mind altering, body disfiguring
Residing in your glossy, multi-million dollar
Flare of white ribbon on red.

In my world
I preach to those who, like me, live on the stuff of dreams.
Residing in the iTouch universe where
really, we touch – nothing.

In my world
I preach to the rest of the peasants under glass.
Threatening our happy existence in the form of

In my world
I gingerly slit one white-bred eye
With the silver spoon from my mouth
Which tarnishes on contact
With the poisoned air
And learn little – and nothing – of the outside world.

1 comment:

  1. "I gingerly slit one white-bred eye
    With the silver spoon from my mouth"

    These two lines are strong and angry! I love it when someone describes exactly how one's feel, mad, sad, ugly, and everything else..

    Thank you for reading my poems, understood it, and accepted the way it was mean to be.
