...isn't it?
Except, that yesterday at midnight my cell phone plan ended. And, today, on Earth Day, I am faced with my decision to move into iPhone land. I am very excited about this new adventure, but can't help feeling karma guilt that I am doing something so completely un-environmentally friendly on this day.
I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all who see this - whether it is April 22 OR NOT - to please do something wonderful for our Earth Mother. These are things we do at home.
* (we don't always do this one - but we should) put a bin in your kitchen sink and collect all the water you would normally run down the drain when rinsing dishes, etc... and water your garden with it (make certain you have biodegradable, phosphate free soap)
* stop using petroleum based cleaning products and explore products like Seventh Generation
* set out a barrel to collect rain water for your garden watering
* turn off your shower when soaping up and shaving, and keep your showers short
* (not always possible to do 100%, especially in Winter, but we do our best) eat locally - but check your sources, sometimes the "local" food has been shipped thousands of miles to be processed (meat in particular)
* whenever possible ride a bike, walk, take public transport and carpool to help cut down emissions.
* pick up garbage you see lying around
* take your own bags when you go shopping
* recycle EVERYTHING. (for example, the paper labels on the cans are recyclable, the cans are recyclable, the food you don't use is compostable - NO WASTE - our family of 5, for years has only put out 1/2 a small garbage bag a week thanks to composting and recycling)
OK. If I continue to do this and more, and if you will help me, then maybe I can ease some of my karma guilt and be able to enjoy my new phone.