Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On the 12th day of summer...

My true love, kids and me (I)
Had basically a lazy day at home in the heat.
We tried to get some stuff done, but not much happened.
We did pick a bunch more cherries...and they're still sitting in the sink,
We did try to finish the cracks in the deck stain...but they're still white,
We did try to clean up the house...but it's still "lived in,"

I did hang out in the hammock for a bit,
We did go to the library for about an's nice and cool in there.
I'm now reading a book called "You Say Tomato...I say Shut Up!"  It's pretty good.
And, Mike and I capped off the evening by going to town to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and enjoyed talking about it as we went for our evening walk....

Tomorrow... may be more exciting...but don't hold your breath!

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